mardi 28 février 2012

I want to fly

Good evening!

Hope you're well, dear readers and passers-by!

Very obvious subject today: it would be impossible to create a blog without talking about one of my biggest love, belly dance. I guess that everyone of you already knows that dancers use a lot of different props, from the well-known veil (of course) to the Shamadan (I'll certainly talk about this one later, but meanwhile have a look here if you don't remember what it is: *). Personally, those who know me don't ignore that I am totally obsessed with fans veils! Whatever they look like - a raging sandstorm, the dancing fire or the ocean waves-, they bring this particular feeling of freedom, just like the different natural elements that they remind.


Discovering more about their origin and how they became used for belly dance is quite difficult. But the story often tells that they come from Chinese fans -also called koi fans, because of the koi fish's movements *, important accessories for classical Chinese dancers. These appears in China in about 1900 (even before, according to various authorities), but had a real rebirth in the seventies, thanks to folk dances. The veil became then longer and longer, simple matter of aesthetics.


At the beginning of the years 2000, fans began to be seen in belly dancing -especially in the USA, where more and more Chinese dancing performances took place-, via tribal and fusion belly dances. It was then added to the "traditional" style, to bring a brand new inspiration, and therefore, giving more possibilities to vary.

Here are different videos, feel free to watch some of my favourite performances:

Have a good viewing!

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