vendredi 10 février 2012

What a glorious feeling!...

Hi there!

Sometimes, I feel like I won't have enough to tell to bring my blog up to date. Sometimes, it is the contrary: I don't know where I can begin! But today, it was completely obvious!
I just finished to watch my favorite movie of all time, I named Singin' In The Rain!

Can I guess that the name sounds familiar? I think so! Everybody should already have heard about this masterpiece, starring Debbie Reynolds, Donald O'Connor and last but not least, my dear, dear, dear Gene Kelly!
The script is very simple: this is the story of two movie stars, Don Lockwood (Gene Kelly) and Lina Lamont (Jean Hagen), at the end of the silent films. Due to the success of the talking pictures, the couple -sweethearts in their movies, haters in the real life- records its first talking movie, The Dueling Cavalier. It turns to a total mess, and to cup it all, Lina is equipped with a shrill voice! Cosmo Brown (Donald O'Connor) suggests to dub this unbearable voice with the one of Kathy Selden (Debbie Reynolds), a novice stage actress.
Donald O'Connor, Debbie Reynolds & Gene Kelly in "Good Morning"

To be honest, this movie is the one par excellence which will always make me smile and laugh, which will always make me sing along at the rate of the numerous and memorable songs! Three particularly deserve to be mentioned : "Good Morning", the lucky day, when hope comes back, when ideas flood in; "Make 'Em Laugh", thanks to Donald O'Connor who made the best of this moment (I am used to tell that it would have been the best moment of the movie without the title track); and of course "Singin' In The Rain"! Who could watch Don Lockwood singing his happiness, under the pouring rain, with this touching innocence, without suddenly feeling the need to smile? This is a pure hymn of joy, nothing else, trust me! No need to wonder why this performance became iconic. Just watch Gene Kelly dancing, and let your feelings guide you how they guided the loving Don Lockwood!
Gene Kelly in "Singin' In The Rain"

Between the fabulous tap-dancing, the colourful spectacles, a matchless energy and the hilarious scenes, it is difficult to select a scene rather than another.  98 minutes which are always going by too quickly for the spectator!

Brilliant, my friends!

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