mercredi 22 février 2012

Ofra Haza

Hi there!

Evening post, whoop whoop!

Once again, it was a suject that I had to talk about; I mean my favourite singer, the incredible Ofra Haza!

I was 8 years old when I heard about her for the very first time. Do you remember The Prince Of Egypt (1998) and its opening song "Deliver Us"? If you do, you have probably fallen in love as well with Yochebed's voice, brilliantly interpreted by this woman (in not less than 18 languages, just for the anecdote). Here is the link for the Hebrew version: * , and the English one: *
I had never heard such a pure tone, and, even many years later, my opinion is intact.

I had a great surprise when I began to listen her own songs, thanks to their variety... and the way Ofra always managed to use her timbre differently, in accordance with the style. From pop to pure middle eastern music, her tonal quality wasn't far from the perfection. Whatever she did, she kept her credibility safe!
Actually, mixing modern rythms with traditional Yemeni songs sounded quite weird, but it finally launched her international career (her success expanded from the Middle Eastern public to Europe and America) !

If you want to know more about her life, please click on the following link: *
On this post, I prefer to concentrate on my feelings rather than pure matters of facts :-) You can find that very easily, trust me!

So, let's continue.
As I told you before, Ofra is probably the best singer I have never heard! This flawless voice makes me literally fly and reach the seventh heaven every single time I am listening to it! In two days - 23d February 2012, she will have left us for 12 years, defeated by an AIDS-related pneumonia. Nevertheless she will never be forgotten: her memory remains.

Time to leave you, but not without inviting you to follow the links below:

Yerushalaim Shel Zahav
Mi Li Yiten
Im Nin'Alu

              You know there's one thing we can do
              We two can do today
              Today I'll pray for another day
              Today I'll pray for a day of love

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