samedi 18 février 2012

Some common misconceptions about Hinduism


I came across a very interesting article on Aumnipresence's tumblr about some prejudgments that people can have about hinduism, a religion not so well-known actually. Here it is, enjoy the day's general knowledge moment ;-)

-Hinduism is a religion of many Gods. Hinduism is actually a monotheistic religion. There is one God, (BRAHMAN) who is manifested in many infinite forms and symbols, depending on time, characterization, and where needed. God is everywhere and therefore is everything, but still one. 
-Only Indians are Hindu. There are countless non-Indian Hindus in many countries throughout the globe. Calling all Indians Hindus or all Hindus Indians would be like saying all Christians are Arab (hence the birthplace of Christianity), or calling all Buddhists East Asian (Even though the birthplace of Buddhism is India).
-Hindus worship pictures and statues instead of God. This is completely wrong. We Hindus believe that hence God is in everything, an image of God can bare God’s spirit. This can be seen throughout many religions. The Christians bow to the cross, a symbol or image of their savior Jesus. Muslims gather and pray towards the Ka’ba, a stone structure in Makkah. Nearly everything in a Hindu’s life and prayer is symbolic, much as the teachings of life are. To us Hindus, everything is made of God, hence everything is sacred… so treat it with respect! 
-Hindus worship cows. Yes and no. We do not worship cows, but we revere them with upmost respect. Cows are our earthly mothers. They give us milk and cheese, cultivate the land, and remain calm in nearly all situations. Cows are a gift and a nurturing soul, so we respect them and abstain from killing them or hurting them. This is why cows are referred to as “Gau Mata”, mother cow. There are countless references to Gau Mata in the Vedas and sacred texts. Sri Krisna is a cowherd (Krisna Gopala), Mahadev Shiva’s cow, Nandi, is worshiped as a protecting and loving force, etc.

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