mercredi 24 octobre 2012

We are the sparks which shine so bright

Orphaned Land @ Hellfest 2011, © Nidhal Marzouk

As some people may already know, my blog's name is taken from the lyrics of an Israeli band: Orphaned Land. Today, I read that somebody launched a petition, so that these musicians could reserve the next Nobel Prize for Peace. Maybe I will write another article someday, where I could share my deepest thoughts about them, but this isn't the point here (and, by the way, sometimes, feelings just couldn't be shared or explained by words, so wait and see). Read the following statement, take a few minutes to watch the video, and if the spirit moves you, take a minute more to sign the petition.

"This is my personal request to all my friends from the Middle East, Turkey, and in general from all my Muslim friends here on my page:

We know for a long time now that we are above politic, we know that if it was in our hands, peace would have prevailed right away.

Please enter this link and sign if you find us worthy, please also spread the word and share it on your pages?

I send my endless love to all of you and all my love and best greetings for the coming holyday in a few days.



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