mercredi 24 octobre 2012

We are the sparks which shine so bright

Orphaned Land @ Hellfest 2011, © Nidhal Marzouk

As some people may already know, my blog's name is taken from the lyrics of an Israeli band: Orphaned Land. Today, I read that somebody launched a petition, so that these musicians could reserve the next Nobel Prize for Peace. Maybe I will write another article someday, where I could share my deepest thoughts about them, but this isn't the point here (and, by the way, sometimes, feelings just couldn't be shared or explained by words, so wait and see). Read the following statement, take a few minutes to watch the video, and if the spirit moves you, take a minute more to sign the petition.

"This is my personal request to all my friends from the Middle East, Turkey, and in general from all my Muslim friends here on my page:

We know for a long time now that we are above politic, we know that if it was in our hands, peace would have prevailed right away.

Please enter this link and sign if you find us worthy, please also spread the word and share it on your pages?

I send my endless love to all of you and all my love and best greetings for the coming holyday in a few days.



mercredi 10 octobre 2012

Turning a new page for Peace

Yesterday, I had the great honor to see my picture appear on an amazing facebook page called Turning a new page for Peace. Read the words of the owner to discover what it is about:

Let us pave together a new way for peace!
We are not a political organization, or any kind of movement. We are just people who wish for a better future for ourselves and our children.

This is not intended right now for working out practical solutions, but in turning over awareness, building mutual trust, and creating an atmosphere that will allow peace to flourish.

Each one of us is a human being – not our state or the people. We all share the same simple wish – to live our lives peacefully, with our families, and earn a decent living.

We can't live in hostility and hatred forever. These are only taking us away from those things we want! Instead they create a cycle of bloodshed which only leads to sorrow, pain and suffering to all.

Friendship and brotherhood are not less than an existential necessity!

Until now we thought that peace is a task to be carried out by the leaders. But reality has slapped in our face. The violence, fear and hatred – broke the trust between the sides and the faith in the way of peace.

The times are changing. We live in an age of revolutions, the internet gives us, the people, power that we didn't possess in the past. We are witnessing history in the making – as the people in the middle east, after long years of depression, are taking their fates in the their own hands and fight against tyranny and corruption – for freedom and justice.

It is time that we take the future in our own hands – also for peace. Let us come together in a call for true brotherhood and friendship with our neighbors. If we all do that – maybe the individual rain drops will come together to become a river of hope!

We are coming from love. We are here – to show that this dream is possible

This may sound naive to you, but seeing the implication of so many people, people who only dream about peace and brotherhood, touches me. Everyday we read awful stories and disasters, so why not trying to turn to an shining source, for once? After all, peace begins with a smile :)

If you have a facebook page, please have a look here:

I'm ready to live in peace.
What about you?

dimanche 7 octobre 2012

"Do it big, do it right, and do it with style" ~Fred Astaire

Good afternoon, Buenas tardes, Shalom, Bonjour!

Tons of work to do, today! That's what happens when you leave home during... well, a single day?! I can't believe how my life is currently busy: when I finish something, I can't even breathe for a minute before I've got something else to do. I love this activity, my present, my future, my projects, everything!

I realized yesterday that I've been practicing bellydance for a year now. And wow! What a great journey! I've already come to a point where I couldn't be grateful (and the word is weak) to my teachers for all the happiness they brought me! This space is for them :)


First of all: Asrar. She has been my weekly teacher from the beginning, and I'm lucky to take lessons with such an enthusiastic, joyful and humble woman! She brings sparkles to my Fridays evening!!

Khalida @ Summertime Hafla
And there comes Khalida, this amazing dancer, great instructor and sweet person from Germany. She organizes regular workshops, invites various teachers with their own styles and passions, giving the students magnificent opportunities to learn!

Illan Rivière by Peter Zanniti


 I couldn't forget to thank Illan Rivière, from the bottom of my heart! Such a young dancer, but first of all such a breathtaking journey! He keeps a special place to me thanks to his creativity, his feeling, and last but not least thanks to his sweetness. Meeting him was absolutely fantastic, and his tips and vision of dancing are written with gold letters.

The reason of my absence, yesterday, was my participation at two workshops by Néphélée. She didn't only gave me my very first try with my favourite props -fan veils: she confirmed a fascination, and made all the dancers present at her second unexpected workshop live a deep moment, a real experience to cherish. 

I also was lucky to meet Johanna during my very first saidi lesson. Saidi is one of my favourite styles, and living such a nice course gave me will to learn about it more and more and more! 

And big thanks again to Feyrouz and her unforgettable dervish workshop, as well as Sonia Saida, who reconciled me with drums solo. 

Last but not least, I'm happy to have met so many great people during my course and workshops! That's why dancing is fantastic as well! :)

And special *mmmmuuuuuuuaaaaaaaahhhhhh* for my sweeties, Betül Efeoğlu and Johanna Najla: there should be far more women like you! :)))

 I hate blogspot for destroying the layout, sorry about the ugliness