mardi 29 mai 2012

An Eznak Ya Maalem

Good afternoon!

I won't be long today: just want to put some words before passing my daily exam. God knows how I hate this period, and the awful year I have spent doesn't help to hold on until the end. But projects do! Mainly of mine are about belly dance, does it sound surprising?
Workshops, festivals, galas, great artists and discoveries: that is exactly what I like! Plus I have something else in mind: two lessons left and the year is over for belly dance as well, so I have to keep projects in mind to train again, again and again. This year, we learned a lot of techniques, and three different choregraphies. I am not used to improvisation, and I have never try to let my creativity speak. So I feel that time has come to do so.

Rola Saad
I have found a lovely song to help me: "An Eznak Ya Maalem" by the Lebanese pop star Rola Saad. I know that it isn't judicious to talk about ideas before it is done, but you know, it really doesn't matter: it isn't original, as many dancers gave their own interpretation so far, plus all I wish is to be able to prepare about 3 minutes of dancing, nothing else :) And only if I am satisfied with the result I will post it, but not sure yet.
Whatever. I love this song for the kinky mood. According to the lyrics, the girl singing is someone proud and confident, who knows how attractive she is and likes to use her charm, but doesn't want to lose her independence and freedom. Everything that I am not, actually! That is why I need to dance on this one!

I won't tell you more about my love life, but trust me: I am not as self-assured as a lot of people believe, and I often regret my kindness. Well, I try to take good care on myself anyway ;-) Reaching my new goal will be a way to laugh at myself and my naïvety, and then I will eventually be able to make fun of the few who tried to bring me down. Oh, I am not into vengeance: derision is far better, and at least I won't use my energy for something which isn't worth it.

I have plenty of different ideas in mind! I can't wait to have more time to gather them! Sure I will have a lot of fun!! :))

Have an aaaaawesoooome day!!! xoxos!

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