dimanche 11 mars 2012

סוף טוב הכול טוב

Hello folk,

Hebrew phrase as a title when the article has no link with the language nor the country. Whatever, I just like how it sounds, and the meaning ("All is well that ends well") is of course is relation with the subject. I am not used to this, but for once, I really need to write my thoughts publicly.

Well... Someday, you wake up with a weird feeling, quite unpleasant. Then you suddenly decide to glance at your past, and what you see seems horrible to you. That is what happened to me this morning.

What did I see in my past? Disillusionment, sadness, hurt flesh and broken heart, but above all a tragic waste of time. These last years, I learned that I really was the perfect "third person", the girl who is there when you need her, but you immediatly abandon as soon as you do not need her anymore. I learned that my dreams were unattainable; that people are always lovely when you share their advice, but leave angrily when your opinion diverges. Now, I realize that I used to live a life which wasn't mine, with a circle which didn't correspond to my own tastes. But I think that the worst to me is that I lost upright, precious friendships, what a foolishness! I made so many mistakes that when I think about them, I can do nothing but being ashamed, or even sincerely disgusted by myself. I wish I could definitly erase the last five years, so that I'll never hear about them anymore!

But okay, past owns to the past.  When I consider the present, I see a life, my life! And you know what? I love this life! Several months ago, I decided not to dream anymore, and the result is that I am finally proud of who I am. My future is exciting, because of the studies I am taking, the numerous projects I have, my next travel(s), my passions, etc. Plus I know at last who are the friends I can rely on, and I won't lose them, promised! Everything helps me to heal my mind and my heart, still painful, but in the process of recovery. It is long, it is difficult, but nevermind: it's worth it!

I wish you all people happiness and faith! Always remember what used to tell an awesome dream maker: "If you can dream it, you can do it!". Own your life and believe in you, everything's going to be allright! :)

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