vendredi 26 juillet 2013

I missed the Holy Land

The imagination is the golden pathway to everywhere. (Terence McKenna)

Sometimes, you just feel the need of thanking your feet for driving you in so many international paths. You feel the need to thank your eyes for bringing colours in your life, your skin for warming under the shining sun, your tongue for speaking new languages, people for being so different and yet so similar, open minds for teaching you how to live better, big hearts for being generous, air for making you alive, and Planet Earth for being that amazing.

I have just come back from a few days of holidays in the Holy Land. The place which warms my heart. The country where I feel alive. A land so young and yet so old, full of stories of all kinds: while listening to its people, you will laugh, you will cry, you will feel proud, you will feel ashamed, but hope will never live you, if you find the way. I learn so much from Israel, so much that I could not even explain or describe. The change happens in the heart, while you are enjoying the breathtaking views, smelling the salty smell of the sea, meeting people, floating in the Dead Sea, and so much more.

So often, I feel that people should leave their a priori beside to give a chance to this country, maybe difficult to apprehend, or to comprehend, but its richness and beauty will immerse you quickly if you give a try.

ארץ ישראל, אני אוהבת אותך!

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