jeudi 12 avril 2012

The land of milk and honey

Coming back to Belgium is always difficult, especially after living in such a powerful country. I went to Israel only for a week, but this was far enough to catch a part of me, this part which didn't accept to leave, lucky it! Now, I feel like it has been ages since I was there; but the stings on my arms remind me the marvellous day I had under the big sun of the magnificent Jaffa's old city, two days ago.
Jaffa (יפו), Wednesday 10th April 2012
This place, oh, this place! Israel is as warm as Belgium is cold, and I am not (only) talking about the weather.

Actually, I don't want to talk about my travel in details, with the towns I visited and so on. Going there was first of all important to me to know if, yes or no, I liked the country enough to be able to live there more than three months, for my next year internship abroad. See how my student life follows me everywhere!

Finally, I found out that I do not like the Holy Land: I simply love it!

Right now, I could name so many things I miss:

  •  this sun, which warms or even inflames the heart as much the skin ;
  •  the heterogeneous mix of the three main monotheist religions ;
  •  the kipot (כיפות), pe'ot (פאות), shtreimlech (שטריימלעך), veils, etc. ;
  •  the flags in the colours of Israel floating to the wind ;
  •  hummus and falafels ;
  •  Jaffa's orange juice ;
  •  the practice of Hebrew with taxi drivers ("הו! את מדברת עברית!") ;
  •  my precious gift ;
  •  the predominant mutual assistance ;
  •  the exciting, rich, endless discussions with Israeli people ;
  •  the attempts of reading in front of every poster ;
  •  discoveries and novelties which mark the face with childish enjoyment ;
  •  "Well, where am I?" / "Ok, how am I supposed to do, now?": the changes of plan, the uncertainties, the time spent with huge question marks in the eyes ;
  •  all the rest.
Jerusalem of Gold, ירושלים של זהב

 Only a week and a soul deeply touched.

Fortunately, I know perfectly that it is just a goodbye: I will be back soon.There I'll have new challenges to overcome. I feel glad and proud of having this luck: trust me, I won't miss it.

Until then, my friends, work is waiting for me. But it is worth it, it will be as well, and next time I'll leave this awesome land, I'll be stronger than I am right now.

ארץ ישראל, להתראות

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