mercredi 16 janvier 2013

Magical Ribbons

Good evening everybody!

Exams time, I need a break! And to mark these few minutes properly, what would be better than talking about art, creativity and the magical Disney World? Tonight, I want to present you the wonderful work of a lovely imaginative lady called Hayley.

As the excellent representation of women, Hayley likes girly stuff; especially ribbons, as you are going to realize. Plus, I think that you could barely find a better inspiration in term of making people smile, dream and simply being happy! God bless Walt Disney! So here we are; I leave you now with some of my favourite ribbons. Open your eyes and enjoy the colours of memories!
Magic Carpet, collection 'Aladdin'

The Cheshire Cat, collection 'Alice in Wonderland'
Ballroom Belle, collection 'Beauty and the Beast'
That's How You Know, Giselle, collection 'Enchanted'
Jolly Holiday, Mary Poppins, collection 'Mary Poppins'
Jack Skellington, collection 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'
Topsy Turvy, Clopin, collection 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame'
Rafiki, collection 'The Lion King'
Up, collection Pixar
Buzz Lightyear, collection Pixar
Steamboat Willie, collection Classics

For more beauties and further information, go to:

"I only hope that we don't lose sight of one thing - that it was all started by a mouse."
Walt Disney

mardi 1 janvier 2013

Chapter 2013

 I couldn't go farther without sending you my best wishes for 2013! First of all, I hope that you guys had tons of fun during the  New Year's Eve! A new year has begun, and, without a doubt, time will fly as quickly as usual. That why my wishes are these ones:

Get rid of your negative thoughts; learn how to love and respect yourself as your are, accept your weaknesses and value your qualities; be strong in front of the difficulties: they are put on your way so that you decide if your aim is worth fighting for; take time to care; seek beauty everywhere, especially in the most unexpected places; listen carefully; don't be afraid of following your heart, don't forget that madness too leads to wisdom; do not miss an opportunity to tell your relative that you love them, life is short!; keep the faith, and even more during the hard times: if you are not happy, it isn't the end; set new challenges; read, read, read; travel, do not miss an opportunity to discover the world you live in; drink liters and liters of tea; dance, practice, move until your feet hurt so much that you are not able to walk anymore; be happy; be super happy; and be happier; ... to summarize: make the best of 2013!

I prefer to keep my own resolutions for me, but let me share with you a charming idea someone suggested me:

have you got a lovely box? a pot? something that you can fill up? Keep it nearby. Everytime that you read, you see, you listen something delightful, or every time you accomplish something you're proud of, write it down on a piece of paper. Then, slip this paper into the chosen container. Keep it safe.
That's how your successes, happy times, inspirations and so on will come back to you on the very last day of 2013. We tend to focuse on the difficulties, so much that we forget to often how little details make life beautiful!

I wish you all an amazing new year, full of joy, laughters and marvels!