lundi 31 décembre 2012

Egypt's Missing Peace

Good evening!

I really have tons of different ideas to post, but priorities are priorities, and mine are and will always be human life. We are putting an end on 2012 with tragic news. Here it is:

Have you ever heard about Ahmed Meligy? Ahmed is Egyptian, he is a strong peace activist, who only fights for democracy, equality, friendship,... everything which can make the world better. He got arrested today by the Egyptian police. What the hell could be his crime? Have a look:

Yes, Ahmed wrote articles for an Israeli website. I rely on you all: I hope that there is not a single reader here who believe that he got what he deserved! Look, he is strong enough to have no prejudice and to make brotherhood his way of life and a few hours ago, he was stopped by his own country. Don't you find it silly?

Ahmed needs you! He needs us to support his proud fight, so please, don't give him up! Click on the following link to hear a sweet friend of mine from Australia talking about her Egyptian brother:

You know that our voice is powerful, so use yours for people who deserve it! Support those who give their lives for a better future, who believe in mankind, who are not afraid of standing against preconceived opinions! 

I know that I'm supposed to send you my blessings for the new year, but there is more important to do right now! Your heart will tell you what you have to do!

How good and how pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity.PSALM (133:1)