samedi 15 septembre 2012

Anti-Islam film and running blood

It has been a few days now since we heard about the scandal among the muslim countries and communities caused by an Americain movie, named "The Violence Of Muslims". To talk about it in a few words, for those who -who knows?- don't know it yet, this film openly criticizes Islam and the Prophet Mahomet. As if for the director, the name of so-called Sam Bacile (Jew? Not Jew? Doubts keep hanging over) is often mentionned, but it seems that this could simply be a pen name. Another name comes back regularly: the Christian Nakoula Basseley Nakoula. This producer is actually suspected to be the director himself. At the present time, Nakoula is told to have asked an official protection, as he fears for his life.
So much ideas, but no certitudes! So much violence for an idiocy!

It has been a few days now since we heard about the first reactions. And now, the avalanches continues. Embassies under siege, flags burnt, more and more dramas, and especially harmed, and even killed people!

Talking about the trailer on youtube is useless: I've watch a few seconds only, before being amazed by the ridiculous scenes, the poor actors, the nonexistent set. To me, it only looks like a big and bad joke! But unfortunately, this bad joke turned into ugly events. We already know how an allusion to the Prophet Mahomet can cause problems: remember, for instance, the Danish caricatures, in 2005.

Look, I will never, never, never reproach somebody for his beliefs, never! As my friends already know, I'm a culture lover: I love meeting people with a different culture, language, different tastes and so on. Doesn't it make our world richer? And as an agnostic, I see religion, every single religion existing, as a philosophy, a way to find oneself, a magnificent message about love and peace. But I can't understand how such a beautiful thing turns into a devilish weapon of war. And I can't accept innocents to be killed because of convictions' defense. This is against liberty, against humanity, against respect between brothers and sisters!

Maybe this movie (but is it really a movie, or was the trailer only a provocation?) hurt some believers, who didn't see over black humor, or completely fathomed straight off, but nobody will ever be able to justify the horrible murders and hatred, nobody!

May the victims be in peace, wherever they are.