samedi 28 juillet 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

Good afternoon!

I hesitated before writing this article, because I absolutely do not want to ruin the surprise. But well, ok, Iwill manage to give my advice without any spoiler: promised!
I've been waiting for this movie since I saw The Dark Knight, a real masterpiece after the already awesome Batman Begins, Bruce Wayne's story and Batman's birth. Everybody knows that The Dark Night Rises was one of the most importante movie release in 2012: what an astonishing craze! Here we are: third and very last movie of Nolan's trilogy. And after the success of its  predecessor, useless to mention that it absolutely had to be equal to the task!

After watching it for the (already, I know) second time yesterday, I need to tell you that the mission is brilliantly accomplished by Christopher Nolan and his excellent crew.
To me, Nolan's strenght was to use that much the feelings of the different characters: that's how we discovered a Bruce Wayne / Batman tormented by his demons, that's how the Joker managed to be the awe-inspiring anarchist of The Dark Knight, and I could make the list longer but watch the movies so that you can make your own! We used to be attached to some figures, we used to hate the others: none of them made us feel indifferent. The Dark Knight Rises doesn't differ the rules (excepted Marion Cotillard, strangely hollow in Miranda Tate). The movies likes to play with our perceptions, our sensations, making us grind our teeth, feeling pain with some characters,... But the most amazing is when it surprises us feeling compassion, even sorrow, for someone we were expecting to hate.

Let's talk about the casting. We already know astonishing Christan Bale in Batman, and the excellent actors Gary Oldman (Inspector Jim Gordon), Michael Caine (Alfred Pennyworth) and Morgan Freeman (Lucius Fox); now time has come to welcome awesome surprises. First of all, Tom Hardy, interpreting the villain, the muscular terrorist Bane. I sincerely feared not to like him at all, but his charisma purely amazed me! Ignominous, apalling and... human, he won't leave you unmoved. Then we have Anne Hathaway in Selina Kyle / Catwoman. I knew that the challenge was great, especially after Michelle Pfeiffer's performance in Batman Returns, realized by Tim Burton. Nevertheless Anne... how can I say? Nolan's Selina Kyle is thoughful, sexy-but-not-bitchy, wild and fierce. Bravo, bravo, bravo! No need to talk about the big disappointment Marion Cotillard, please! I mean... no, really. From lacking in character to bluntly mediocre, we regret not to have known a worth seeing Miranda Tate. The only mistake in the casting. Anyway I needed to had some words about Michael Caine: his performance touched me so much that I can't just mention it without adding more. Alfred had never been that deeply moving! Oh, I almost forgot to mention Joseph Gordon Lewitt in John Blake, a policeman more significant and helpful that we can believe at the beginning.

The longest movie of the trilogy really represents the long-awaited magnificent final.
Once again, Nolan managed to catch the eye, from A to Z, thanks to his aesthetics, the numerous new turns, some breathtaking scenes, the great work on every single character's personnality. Clichés always menace when we talk about superheros, but fortunately none has its place in this movie. After a very convincing Batman Begins and an outstanding The Dark Knight, the last episode had to set the bar high, very high! And it did.

The legend rised, and definitely left us with the best movies of its kind, nothing less!

vendredi 20 juillet 2012

Shay Aaron & the yummiest art ever

Good evening!

I must confess that inspiration isn't easy to find everyday... Or yes, actually it is, but I try to keep silent on some subject or you would have a post per day about belly dance ;-) Let's try to change a bit.
I've just discovered one of the most incredible work seen for ages: obviously I had to share it with my friends, readers and random people who want to see awesome pieces of art.

Shay Aaron is an awesome artist from Tel Aviv, Israel. Have a look at what he does and you will easily realize that he is probably the most breathtaking miniaturist ever known!

Words are useless: open your eyes and enjoy these yummmiiiiii creations      
The Passover Seder,
Making a Leek Cane,
Miniature Banana,
Fresh Salmon,